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Improvisation on "Manhã de Carnaval" by Luiz Bonfá - Glenda Bates - oboe, James Deitz - pandeiro
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Phantasy Quartet by Benjamin Britten - GB and friends
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Sonata in A minor, WQ 132 by C.P.E. Bach - Glenda Bates - oboe
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I for III by James Deitz - Jennifer Hunt, Glenda Bates, Matthew Boyles
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Stained Glass Story by Eldad Tarmu - GB - English horn, Ray Furuta - flute, Carina Canonico - Clarinet, Amr Selim - horn, Rachel Koeth - bassoon
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All Blues by Miles Davis - Glenda Bates - oboe, Eldad Tarmu - vibraphone, Keenan Zach - Bass, James Beauton - drums
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"The Artist is always searching for meaning in life, his own, and that of mankind - searching for truth"
~ Bohuslav Martinů
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